When you’re the future king of England and you’re turning six, sometimes you just need a tropical getaway. And that’s just what little Prince George is getting, as he will be traveling with his family – dad William, mom Kate, and little siblings Charlotte and Louis – to Mustique, long a favorite of the Royals in the Caribbean. (Princess Margaret, the Queen’s younger sister, was there so much that Mustique and Margaret were practically synonymous, and William and Kate have gone on many romantic getaways there themselves.) Mustique is a private island that is part of St. Vincent and the Grenadines, a Commonwealth country.
But, like any little boy, George needs a birthday party when he returns home to London. All of George’s closest schoolmates will attend a party at Kensington Palace, where there will be a bouncy castle – hello, he is the future king, after all – and a magician. (The magician was dad's idea.) Pizza, pasta, and sliders are on the menu, and for dessert? Cupcakes, candy, and ice cream.
Stay tuned to the blog on Monday as we honor George’s sixth birthday on July 22!